
Running provides plenty of fantastic health benefits, but did you know it’s particularly good for the brain? If you’re looking to increase mental focus, nourish your brain cells and have increased levels of concentration, this simple exercise could be all you need.

Below, you’ll discover 5 ways running helps the brain.

1 – It Promotes Better Aging

It’s no secret that as we age, our brains start to function at a much slower pace.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are two particularly worrying conditions which can occur as you get older. The great thing about running is that it alters the chemicals in the brain so that it is able to age better. Continue reading

Running is one of the best cardio exercises you can do. Not only does it help with weight loss, but it also helps to really improve the mood and reduce your risk of all kinds of health-related issues.

However, there’s one challenge you’ll come across when you take up this type of exercise – where can you keep your stuff that you need to take with you?

You’re going to need a place you can store things such as water bottles and your smartphone.

The good news is, there are specially designed running accessories which provide all the storage space you need.

Below we’ll look at 5 places to put your belongings when you’re running: Continue reading