Healing Herbals
Regardless of the reason, the key aspect of pain and natural medicine is to find an herb that is readily available or easy to grow and has high potency equal to that of over the counter pain medications. Here are four of herbal options that fit all of those criteria.
White Willow Bark
White willow bark is an easy to find herbal supplement both online and in local stores. This herb is usually found in a ground up brown colored powder. It can be found in most health food stores in the form of a capsule or as a powder that can be used in teas, tinctures, and vegan capsules. You can also add it to foods and drinks.
White willow bark is actually the base for what lead to some of the most popular and widely used pain medications on the market today. Continue reading
The daily grind of life can be hard enough, but when you add in different appointments and stressful issues it can become difficult to stay happy. You may find yourself falling into a depression, or just not feeling yourself.
Unfortunately, if you allow this to go on for too long, you may have an increasingly difficult time coming back from the unhappy feelings that your daily stress can cause. If this sounds like your current mood, here are some herbs that can help promote happiness in your daily life.
When you think of herbs that help with mood, you may immediately think of something like St. John’s Wort. Though this can help to stabilize mood over time, passionflower can actually help keep you calm almost immediately. You may be thinking that calm is not the same as happy, and this is true. Continue reading