Healing Herbals

Aloe vera plants tend to bring burns and sunburn to mind. In fact, you may likely think about aloe vera gel in a bottle kept in a beach bag. If you do not think of the beach or sunburns, you may think of aloe vera in lotions and in severe dry skin remedies.

Though aloe vera can be used for all of these issues, there are four other issues that aloe vera can assist with.

Oral Hygiene Care

If you have canker sores or cold sores that come up from dentures or illness then you know how painful they can be. You can use over the counter chemicals to help combat or reduce the sores, but this may not always work and it may lead you to having to use more of the chemical than you would like.

This is especially true if you are having to use more of the canker sore medicine as you develop a resistance to the gel or medicine. Aloe vera gel can help with these sores in a natural and equally as effective way. You can simply put the gel on your sores directly from the plant or you can choose to use a food grade aloe vera gel or juice. Continue reading

As you start looking at natural remedies for various physical and mental health issues, you will notice that herbs often come up as recommended. While there are a lot of common herbs, like lavender and basil, you should also consider some of the less common. This brings us to catnip, which is not only good for cats, but great for humans.
Here are some reasons you should have the catnip herb.

It Can Help You Sleep

Have you been having trouble sleeping? Maybe you are restless before bed, or have high amounts of stress. Insomnia occurs in many forms, from making it difficult to fall asleep, to causing restless sleep where you make up multiple times a night. This can be helped with natural remedies, including the catnip herb.

While catnip makes your cats energetic and hyper, it does the opposite for humans. It can actually slow your heart rate down, ease stress, and provide sedative qualities. A cup of catnip tea each night during your bedtime routine will improve your sleep immensely. Continue reading