
Anemia is a fairly common health condition that can affect people of all ages and race. However, some people are more apt to develop the condition than others are. There are numerous causes for anemia and while some of these causes, such as poor diet, can be helped, other causes can’t. Having an iron deficiency is one of the main causes of anemia.

Age can be a factor in anemia among the elderly, but even infants and children can have anemia. Kids can get anemia by not eating the right amount of iron in their daily food intake or by consuming a lot of milk. Continue reading

Anemia is a blood condition that often goes undiagnosed because so many of the symptoms are common in other health problems and you can have a wide array of symptoms, making it more difficult to determine.

By the time you feel symptoms, your body’s supply of iron is already too low for your body to be healthy. The only sure way of diagnosing anemia is by having your doctor perform a blood test.

Most people who are diagnosed with anemia are labeled because they began to notice fatigue that hasn’t gone away. At first, most people blow off or explain away this very common symptom as having worked too hard or not getting enough rest.

When you have anemia, you become fatigued because you’re not getting the right amount of oxygen, so that makes it difficult for your body to work right. You feel sluggish even doing simple tasks and you feel tired, but not necessarily sleepy. Continue reading