Candida Overgrowth

Candida overgrowth is often responsible for chronic fatigue, digestive issues, mental health changes, and many other ailments. Candida is a fungus that already exists in your body, in the form of yeast. This is what often causes fungal infections in the form of rashes or with yeast infections. However, some people have an overgrowth of the candida in their body, which can lead to other physical and mental changes.

Where Does Candida Overgrowth Come From?

It is important that you understand the candida (yeast) is already in your body. There is nothing wrong with having it; the problem occurs when it starts to grow and can cause other side effects. Candida usually lives in your mouth and intestines, so it can cause anything from oral thrush to gut problems, emotional or behavioral changes, fatigue, and so much more. Continue reading

Candida exists in every body, but some people experience an overgrowth. This can cause a wide range of symptoms, to severe fatigue, to intestinal distress. Here are some common signs and symptoms of candida overgrowth, so you can work on treating it properly.

Extreme Fatigue

This is probably the first and most common symptom you will experience when you have candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, it is a sign of many other conditions as well, so your doctor might not catch it right away. You want to look at the severity of your fatigue and rule out other causes to determine if it might be from the candida itself.

With this type of chronic fatigue, it doesn’t lessen or go away no matter what you do. You might exercise more or less, try getting better sleep or more sleep, do things to keep you alert during the day, and nothing works. Continue reading