Chronic Pain
Being obese is not a cosmetic problem. In a world where the media and society hold beauty and fitness to very high standards, an overweight or obese person can easily feel left out, depressed, suffer low esteem.
Televisions and fashion magazines are full of pictures of thin models, actresses and athletes with lean abs, glorifying some almost impossible ideals to a point that makes a normal person feel inadequate. You can imagine how an obese person must feel to be exposed to this kind of environment.
Apart from the emotional factors, obesity comes with a lot of health factors. Obese people are usually in pain more often when compared to normal people, even if they are healthy. Obesity and pain go hand in hand. The heaviest people report the highest rates of pain.
Obesity leads to pain because of the excess mechanical stresses and its pro-inflammatory condition. Pain results in obesity because of low physical activity and eating for analgesic effects. Continue reading
Complex, chronic and difficult to describe is how one might express the feelings associated with neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is a disease or disorder that directly effects the neuropathic nerve.
The pain involved with these conditions is actually linked to something bigger—a syndrome known as neuropathy which indicates a serious disorder or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves.
When you experience pain in these nerves, it can be devastating and even life-changing. The pain is so acute and complex that it is difficult to know just how to alleviate any discomfort. It is important to understand what is going on behind neuropathic pain before looking to treat it. Here are some facts on the types of neuropathic pain and how it affects people. Continue reading