Chronic Pain
The marijuana plant has long been used in medicine as well as in religious rituals for most of pre-historical, medieval and modern history. It has been described in medical texts from China and India as early as 3000 years ago.
The indigenous people of South American have used marijuana in rituals as well as in medicine. In the US, as late as the 1930s, the use of marijuana as a mild sedative and pain reliever was so pervasive that it was taxed. It was only in 1951 that it was declared by law as a drug that was of no medical use and can be potentially abused.
Problems in Using Marijuana as Medication
Marijuana alters the mood and it alters the brain chemistry. It has always been thought of as containing medicinal properties. However, there are problems with using marijuana for medicinal purposes: Continue reading
When you suffer from a chronic pain condition such as Fibromyalgia, you can find yourself in a never-ending cycle. This cycle involves feeling stressed because of the pain, the stress causing anxiety, the anxiety making the pain feel more intense and then pain in turn increasing the stress. Pain, anxiety and stress all make you feel unhappy. Although being happy will not take away your pain, it can make it more bearable.
It’s easy to give in to the stress you live with every day because of your chronic pain. However, there are many ways you can combat this stress and anxiety caused by pain. Taking a positive approach to life can help lessen the stress, anxiety and even the pain itself.
To help you deal with pain better, below you will find 10 ways you can be happy despite living with a chronic pain condition. These are things you should remember and implement in your life, even if you are not living with a chronic pain condition, but even more so if you are. Continue reading