Cold Sores

When you feel that tingly, itchy, burning sensation on your lip or inside of your mouth, you know a cold sore is well on its way. Cold sores, caused by the herpes simplex virus, have no cure and show up at what seems to be the most inconvenient times.

These highly contagious little blisters are troubling not only because they look unattractive, but because they make eating and drinking painful, and kissing impossible. Cold sores usually last between seven and ten days – days that you’d rather be free of discomfort!

So when you get a rash of cold sores, you need to have a good cold sore treatment readily available. Cold sore remedies can be found in your drug store or prescribed by your doctor. There are also several types of herbal cold sore remedies that are appropriate for people who prefer to keep things natural. Continue reading

Once you have the cold sore virus (herpes simplex), you can’t get rid of it. It will be with you forever. So you need a plan to get rid of cold sores when they pop up, or to just prevent them from happening.

Cold sores are miserable. They show up at inopportune times, like before a big presentation or date, and then they hang around being ugly and painful for up to ten days. That’s ten days of your life that you have to deal with an ugly, painful sore on you lip or in your mouth so it’s important to know what kinds of strategies you can use to effectively get rid of cold sores.

First things first – adopt a prevention plan. You can’t get rid of the cold sore virus, but there are plenty of things you can do to help prevent cold sore outbreaks, or to prevent them from getting really bad.

The first thing you need to do to prevent cold sores is to make sure you’re keeping yourself as healthy as possible and that your immune system is strong. This involves eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, limiting sugar, caffeine and alcohol and getting enough exercise and sleep every day. Continue reading