Crohn’s Disease

.If you are just now hearing about Crohn’s disease, you’re probably confused and need an explanation. Okay, so what the heck is Crohn’s disease and why are so many people complaining about it? This is a disease that has numerous conditions attached to it – conditions that are often mistaken for some other disease.  Today, we are going to give you a complete rundown so that you understand what the heck Crohn’s disease is.

What Crohn’s Disease Is

When an individual is dealing with this disease, their immune system will start to attack their healthy cells that are located in their GI tract. In return, this will cause inflammation. Being that this is a disease that takes place in the immune system, it is classified as being an autoimmune disorder.

What does this mean? When an individual has Crohn’s, their body will produce antibodies that go against itself. Along with Crohn’s disease, other autoimmune disorders include ulcerative colitis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Who Can Get it?

Any one of any age can get it, however, it can pop up during the teenage years. Mind you, this doesn’t mean it won’t pop up during your adult years. On another note, it is rare for a child to have the disease. Continue reading

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation in your digestive tract anywhere from your mouth to your bowels. Symptoms are painful and long lasting due to the disease spreading to the deep layers of the bowel tissue.

Symptoms such as abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, malnutrition, ulcers, mouth sores, and perianal disease are often embarrassing and debilitating. However there are five steps that you can take starting today that can encourage a symptom free life.

Step One – Be Informed

You have a disease but you are not your disease. With Crohn’s, symptoms vary between patient to patient. Even though your mother or father might have the disease, your symptoms may be different and you may have different triggers for flare ups.

Keeping a food journal is a great way to record and understand your body. Knowing the difference between a symptom of Crohn’s or a symptom of another health problem is essential to getting better. A well kept record of what causes flare ups will help you avoid triggers. Continue reading