Crohn’s Disease
Things that may increase your risk of getting Crohn’s disease is completely out your control. You can, however, change the cause of flare ups, and shorten the time that the symptoms affect you during a flare up by not eating certain things.
In extreme cases of Crohn’s, the small intestine is incapable of absorbing nutrients so it is important to speak with a doctor about your specific needs. In the end of this article, we are going to give you the best foods to eat to avoid Crohn’s disease.
What Not to Put in Your Shopping Cart
Up until the late 1970’s, doctors would recommend milk because of it’s base and it was thought to neutralize acid relieve pain from acid build up that comes as a symptom for Crohn’s. However, further research by the Ten Hardy Research Participants proved that milk actually rises the gastric acid after a few hours which explains why there is a feeling of temporary relief but often feels worse thereafter.
Even in those who do not suffer from Crohn’s develop ulcers from drinking more than 24 oz a day, regardless of fat content. So, though it is tempting for some relief, you’re better off taking antacids. Continue reading
Just because you have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, it doesn’t mean your life is over. Right now, there are around 700,000 people in America who are suffering from this disease.
With the statistics being this high, of course there are supplements & natural alternatives to avoid Crohn’s that have been discovered. Today, we are going to point you towards those supplements and natural alternatives, so pay close attention …
You see probiotics, also referred to as “good bacteria” in all sorts of food products today. Have you ever wondered why “good bacteria” has been popping up? This is because they play a positive role in your digestive system.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Healthy fats, such as fish oil contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, so make sure you include them in your diet. Flaxseed and salmon can help your body fight inflammation, making it a great natural supplement to avoid crohn’s disease outbreaks. Continue reading