Crohn’s Disease
If you’re like many, when you’re first diagnosed with this disease, there will be hundreds of questions circulating through your head – you’ll want answers to every single one of those questions. You’re probably engulfed in a tangle of emotions as you wonder exactly what is going on in your life. Here are some tips that will help those of you who have just been diagnosed with this disease.
Have a Treatment Plan
To start with, if you have been diagnosed with this disease, you must come up with a treatment plan and follow through with it. There are many therapies that are available – these therapies can help you mange Crohn’s.
The disease is caused by inflammation throughout the digestive system and there are medications available that can help treat those symptoms.
In order to develop the best treatment plan that fits your needs, you should speak with a physician that specializes in the digestive system or a gastroenterologist. Mind you, remember, Crohn’s can be controlled, but at the moment, there is no cure for it. Continue reading
You’ve been to the doctor and he or she has given you the bad news: there is no known cure for Crohn’s Disease. You’re not alone, 1:14,000 people are diagnosed with Crohn’s and each person is most commonly between the ages of 15-30.
This disease is completely manageable and with some exercise and life changes and you may be able to turn down many of the drugs and surgeries that are so common with Crohn’s patients. The best kind of exercise to help improve your symptoms is two part: stretching and walking.
A Nice Light Meal
Studies from Web MD,, and all show that it’s not only the exercise that benefits the patient but also when and where the exercise takes place. Since stress is such a high factor and stimulant to the symptoms, it is essential to take a look at the overall day and place and set aside time in which exercise can be enjoyed.
Usually, this time period would be in the late afternoon evening time after a light meal when the day has cooled and the stress of the day is settling or in the morning as part of a routine to start your day off right (or even perhaps both). The necessity is that the time of exercise should take place in a calm relaxing time after you have eaten a light meal to promote a healthy digestion. Continue reading