
If you’re struggling with feeling tired all the time, you may be interested in finding the cause of fatigue in your body. Fatigue can actually be caused by many different things. Some of them are simple and harmless while others can be serious cause for concern.

The most common cause for occasional fatigue is stress on your mind and body. If you’ve had a hard week at work or home, exerted yourself more than usual physically, or had a major life change fatigue can help you to get the rest you need.

When it comes to this type of healthy fatigue, your body will feel renewed after rest. If you feel refreshed and can resume your normal activities you don’t have anything to worry about. This is just your body’s natural defense mechanism to slow you down.

However, if you have fatigue for a long period of time, it could signal that something else is going on. There are many health conditions that can cause fatigue and you’ll want to make sure that you get a diagnosis and proper treatment. Continue reading

Feeling lethargic and exhausted is no way to live and if you experience this you’ll want to know the options for treatment of fatigue. There’s a wide range of treatment that may be prescribed depending on the cause of your fatigue.

In many cases, fatigue will be a symptom of a specific condition. There are many health conditions that cause fatigue such as infections, hypothyroidism, and even more serious illnesses such as cancer.

However, if you’ve seen a doctor and other conditions have been ruled out you may be left with a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There’s no known cause for this which can be very frustrating. Even if there’s not a treatment to wipe out the underlying cause, you can get help.

When you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), you’ll want to work with your healthcare provider to treat other symptoms. While CFS sounds simple, it can actually have many symptoms that you can alleviate.

Many people with fatigue also feel depressed. As with any chronic illness, depression can come from not being able to enjoy your usual activities. Antidepressants can help you to get through this part of the illness. Continue reading