Fatty Liver Diease

Fatty liver disease is a medical condition where you have too much fat built up in your liver. While people consider all forms of fatty liver to be the same, there are two main types, plus a third less common one.

Here are the different types of fatty liver diseases to be aware of:

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

When you have a fatty liver that is from drinking large amounts of alcohol, it is called alcoholic fatty liver, or just alcoholic liver disease. This means the extra fat buildup in your liver is from consuming alcohol in large quantities.

Alcohol is very damaging to your liver and kidneys, but especially causing fatty liver. This can eventually lead to liver failure, requiring a transplant and threatening your life, so it is essential that you start getting treatment right away. Continue reading

Are you concerned that you might have fatty liver disease? Perhaps you know you fit some risk factors, or you follow a diet high in sugar and carbs, and are simply overly concerned about it. The first thing to do is become aware of the common signs and symptoms of this medical condition, then see a doctor about diagnosis and treatment.

Take a look at some of these common signs of fatty liver disease:

Fatigue and Weakness

It is not uncommon to have fatty liver disease and not experience any symptoms. When you don’t change your diet or get treatment for fatty liver, you will then start noticing some physical changes. The first thing you might notice is that you are more tired. This can be subtle at first, as you might assume it is fatigue from your job or a busy lifestyle. Continue reading