
Are you struggling with Fibromyalgia pain? Have you tried various remedies, only to be disappointed when the symptoms are only reduced for a short period of time before coming back even stronger than before?

We have done our research and come up with some of the best natural remedies to help your Fibromyalgia pain as they have for many others.


Not only has yoga been found to be a major stress reliever; patients who practice at least 75 minutes a yoga once a week on a regular basis have found to have reduced their Fibromyalgia pain.

The reduction of stress that is facilitated by yoga, may have also contributed to the lessening of pain and certainly helps in managing the other side effects of fibromyalgia, such as, fatigue and anxiety. Continue reading

If you are suffering from a chronic pain condition such as Fibromyalgia, it is likely that you have tried various remedies and treatments since you were diagnosed to treat and lessen the pain and connected symptoms.

Have you considered using aromatherapy as part of your pain management and treatment plan?

As you will see from the following article, there may be good reasons why you should consider this alternative, complimentary medicine.

First, we will look at what aromatherapy is and then discuss the ways it can be used, including hot aromatherapy baths for treating Fibromyalgia. Continue reading