Hair Loss

There are many ways that you will be able to use to stop hair loss, but not all of them will work for your benefit. Of course you will still be able to take the conventional route and use medically formulated products to prevent your hair from falling off, but take note, you might experience side effects in using them – some of which can be surprisingly enough, hair loss. So, what is the best way to stop hair loss? Here are some of them:

Drink Plenty of Water

There are many problems that can arise from dehydration. Constipation, eczema, thick dandruff, wrinkled skin, foul breath, thick dandruff and hair loss. Remember that your body is 98% water so you need to make sure that optimal levels are kept all of the time. One easy way to quickly establish enough water inside your body is to routinely drink at least about eight ounces of water immediately after heading for the restroom. Continue reading

On average, we lose approximately 100 strands of hair per day. Seeing a few strays of hair on your hairbrush or on your bathroom floor is perfectly normal. However, if you notice that your hair is shedding more than usual and the amount of hair on your head is visibly thinner, this may be a cause for alarm.

There are many different factors that can cause this problem and they include stress, hormonal imbalance, illness, medication, skin conditions and age just to name a few.

If your hair loss is not that severe, you may want to resort to natural remedies first before trying more expensive, invasive treatments. One of the most popular inexpensive treatments for this condition is aloe vera. This plant has been used for centuries to cure different ailments and treat a lot of skin and hair problems.

Aloe has shown positive effects in preventing thinning hair. The proteolitic enzymes found in the gel can help promote new hair growth. They work by removing dead skin cells on the scalp that can clog the hair follicle, preventing nutrients from penetrating the hair. Continue reading