
Sinus headache affects a huge amount of the population. This is a headache caused by sinuses that are congested with mucus. This could be because of a cold, the flu, or allergies. Sinus headache is especially troublesome for people who have problems with sinus infections.

The sinuses in the head are open areas where fluid can drain. Unfortunately, if you suffer from allergies or have another kind of upper respiratory infection, the sinuses can become very full of fluid. This fluid can become thicker and may be difficult for your body to expel when you blow your nose.

The pressure that builds up in your sinuses can cause pain. You can have pain basically anywhere you have sinuses. People who have severe sinus infections may have pain when they even touch their face. Sinus headache can also be paired with pain and pressure in the teeth because there is a sinus cavity just above the mouth. Continue reading

Tension headache is one of the most common ailments that people face. They are headaches that are caused by tension in the muscles of the head, heck, and upper back. This muscle tension pulls on the body at inappropriate places and causes pain. While tension headaches aren’t life threatening and are very common, they can still decrease your quality of life.

There’s a wide range of tension headache symptoms. For some people tension headaches bring mild head and neck pain. But for others, tension headaches can be very painful and even cause a feeling of nausea. Having a tension headache can often lead to days off of work and limited social engagements. When you have a severe headache the last thing you want to do is go out on the town. And you may even suffer in your family when you don’t have the energy you need to get things done.

If you suffer from regular tension headache, there are many options for you. Many people will feel much better just by taking over the counter pain relievers. In that case, you don’t have too much to worry about. But for some people these drugs aren’t enough to make a dent in the pain. Continue reading