Heart Murmur
Because innocent heart murmurs are harmless, they do not require any sort of treatment. For abnormal heart murmurs, treatment is prescribed according to the heart defect or heart problem causing it.
Once a person suspects to have an abnormal heart murmur, he is advised to visit the pediatric cardiologist who specializes with heart conditions both normal and abnormal. Questions like have you ever experienced shortness of breath, dizzy spells or even fainted and chest pains may be asked by the doctor. He will then use a stethoscope to listen to the heart and lungs including checking the pulse. In some cases the doctor may recommend x-rays to properly determine the size of the heart or get a picture of the entire structure of your heart using echocardiogram or even administer electrocardiogram to measure the heart’s electoral activity. Luckily, none of these tests hurt.
Information acquired by the doctor from these tests and physical examination determines if the heart murmur is problematic or not. Treatment solely depends on the health condition behind the heart murmur which range from medication to surfer depending on how severe it is. Continue reading