High Blood Pressure

There are many health conditions that will alert your body as they are developing. Unfortunately, high blood pressure isn’t one of those conditions that will alert you to its presence.

It will quietly continue to creep up on you, and as it develops, it can put your organs at risk of damage and then put you at risk of having a heart attack. In the beginning stages, your body will have what’s called pre-hypertension.

During this stage, you’re technically in the warning zone. Your body’s blood pressure numbers are usually not higher than 139/89 and you won’t notice anything different with how you look or how you feel. Continue reading

It’s normal for blood pressure readings to have some variations. But it’s not normal for those readings to have a wide range of numbers. When you notice that your blood pressure begins swinging between low and high, it’s time to have it checked out to be on the safe side.

Doctors used to place a greater amount of concern on blood pressure numbers that were high and remained in the high range. It was thought that these high numbers were where the danger to the heart was.

While this is true that high blood pressure numbers are dangerous and can damage the heart, swings in blood pressure can also do that. Erratic blood pressure swings have come under scrutiny and the reason for this is because marked swings in blood pressure readings can be a warning sign. Continue reading