High Cholesterol

If you are looking for a stock answer to the question of how long it may take to lower your cholesterol with a healthy diet, well, there is no such thing. Everyone is uniquely and marvelously different.

There are so many factors in your life that may or may not apply to someone else. Your body weight, the amount of exercise and physical activity you get, your age, environmental influences, heredity and so many other factors all come into play. These make you not only the person you are, but determine how you respond to various inputs and changes.

Diet – the Biggest Factor

That having been said, you can actually lower high cholesterol levels rather quickly with simple dietary changes.

Multiple studies have shown that a smart approach to nutrition is as effective as, and sometimes more effective, than statins and other drugs for lowering high cholesterol. That is marvelous news for anyone concerned about their health, and looking for defective ways to improve it. Continue reading

While modern medicine certainly seems to have a pill for nearly everything, we still have several natural, self-help options, including multiple diet plans to help lower cholesterol. Yes, multiple! Everyone has individual preferences when it comes to foods… some love seafood while others prefer red meat.

When you’re contemplating the best diet to choose for lowering cholesterol, you need to take a few things into consideration:

  • Budget – can you afford this way of eating?
  • Availability of foods – are these foods readily available to you?
  • Taste buds – Do these foods make you want to continue with this way of eating?

Each of these three components are important, but that last one is the kicker. If you can tick that box, you’ll find a way to make it work for the first two. Where there’s a will there’s a way… but if you don’t even like the foods, you’ll give up before you even get started. It’s common sense. Continue reading