Lyme Disease

Permethrin is one of the leading tick prevention products on the market, but as with all chemicals, it is a cause for concern with some people who are worried about the potentially negative effects of this chemical on their health or that of their loved ones, including their pets.

What is Permethrin?

Permethrin is a synthetic insecticide which is used to control insects in livestock and in pets, as well as in crops, ornamental gardens, and even restaurants. It is also used in clothing to repel insects.

It is often used in flea and tick prevention, such as flea and tick collars and spot treatments for pets. In humans, it is used to treat scabies and other conditions caused by mites, and to get rid of lice.

Permethrin affects insects if they eat or touch it. It targets their nervous system and causes muscle spasms, paralysis and death. Permethrin is more toxic to insects than it is to people and dogs because insects can’t metabolize it as quickly. Cats are more sensitive to it because it takes them longer to break it down, but it is still considered safe. Continue reading

There are a number of essential oils that can be used to ward off ticks and prevent Lyme disease. These essential oils can be used safely on both pets and people in most cases.

What are Ticks?

Ticks are parasites that live off the blood of mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Through ingesting the blood of the host animal, ticks can pick up various bacteria that can causes disease in humans and other mammals, such as Lyme disease, Bordetella and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever.

Preventing Tick Bites

There are many insect repellants and pesticides on the market, but some people are concerned at the level of harsh chemicals contained in them. Certain ones like DEET are recommended, but they are dangerous for small children and pets. Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways to prevent tick bites. One of the easiest ways is through the use of essential oils. They are safe, effective, and if you choose your oil correctly, will not harm pets even if they lick themselves after the oil has been applied. Continue reading