Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions occurring simultaneously. These conditions put you at a greater risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The cluster of conditions includes excess belly fat, high blood pressure, high fasting blood sugar levels, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol levels, which is the good cholesterol you need for health.

The presence of just one of the conditions mentioned is serious enough, but having only one doesn’t cause a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. However, if a person has at least three of these five conditions simultaneously, that person may be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and has a greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, like heart disease and stroke. Continue reading

Metabolic syndrome is caused by lifestyle conditions and habits that create serious health problems, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and blood sugar problems. If we eat too much of the wrong foods and don’t exercise, we gain weight. If we smoke and drink, we put ourselves at risk of developing health problems. All these things can contribute to metabolic syndrome.

Therefore, metabolic syndrome has been defined as being a modern lifestyle condition, caused by modern lifestyle living. The main factors that can put anyone at risk of metabolic syndrome include the following:

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Metabolic syndrome is seen as a health problem resulting from an unbalanced, unhealthy lifestyle. It is closely related to obesity and a lack of physical activity. The convenience of modern life and consistency of stress leaves us with a diminished capacity to prioritize our health. Too often we succumb to unwise decisions in terms of our choices of food, habits, and activities. Continue reading