
How to Prevent OsteoporosisPrevention is far better than later searching for an osteoporosis cure or treatment. Saving your bones now is easier than trying to rebuild lost bone later and it is never too early to begin. Below is a list of tips that will help strengthen bones and help prevent developing osteoporosis.

Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium is the macro mineral that is considered so crucial for the development and overall health of bones. However, you also need magnesium, vitamin D and trace elements for your body to be able to utilize the calcium needed.

Most people take calcium supplements but forget to take other supplements to prevent osteoporosis. Without the other necessary elements, excess calcium cannot be utilized and will be uselessly excreted from the body. Continue reading

Osteoporosis is a largely preventable disease and there are definitely things you can do to prevent its occurrence. The areas over which we have the most personal impact are diet and exercise. For bone health, the exercise required is weight-bearing exercise.

While aerobic and strength exercise is great for our overall health, what is required to promote bone growth is simply anything that requires us to be standing upright, for at least thirty minutes per day and preferably for two hours.

This assumes that our body has the right materials to create the bone from. Our bones consist mostly of minerals, particularly calcium.

However, to create our bones also requires other minerals and also some vitamins. In the absence of calcium our body cannot create or repair bones. In the absence of the other needed nutrients calcium cannot be utilized for bone creation and excess will be passed from the body. Continue reading