Parkinson’s Disease

Mental health is often more delicate than we think and following a serious diagnosis, it is at its most fragile. Suddenly you have to worry about more than just the disease itself, you now need to consider the toll it can take on your mental health as well.

Depression and Parkinson’s often go hand in hand and according to the Parkinson’s Foundation, around 50% of PD patients will experience mental health issues.


Not only is exercise good for preventing your muscles from stiffening too much, it will provide you with a much-needed boost of endorphins and help battle depression. A study from the Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine found that just 15 minutes of exercise would significantly reduce your body’s cortisol levels as was the participants’ depression. Continue reading

You may find yourself reeling following your diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease and you probably don’t want to see or hear any suggestions to find the silver lining in the dark rain cloud that you feel hanging over your head. However, staying positive following your diagnosis is vital to your mental health and your physical well-being, too.

How can you positively stay positive when you have received a diagnosis that is literally life changing? I won’t pretend that it will be easy; however, there are a few ways you can keep your positivity on track.

Shift Your Focus

When the symptoms start, it becomes difficult to complete the everyday tasks you’ve been doing for your entire life. That’s why it’s important to find hobbies that you can do regardless of symptoms flare-ups. Continue reading