Aging Concerns

The word alone is enough to strike fear in the heart of every senior citizen and a sense of anxiety in the hearts of family members. No one wants to talk about dealing with dementia. That’s because dementia is a thief that robs families.

It can rob a person as well as a family as a whole. The word dementia itself is not a diagnosis. It’s a term that’s used to describe a symptom of an underlying health problem.

This is why people with Alzheimer’s are said to have dementia. There are many diseases and healthy conditions that can bring on dementia. Dementia presents itself in people as they age in several ways.

It can affect the memory, but because people don’t want to talk about or address the thought of dementia, excuses are given. It’s labeled as just being forgetful or laughed off as just old age. Continue reading

Depression is closely linked with getting older. It often goes hand in hand with aging because of all of the life changes that people start to experience. Many of these changes are some pretty major ones.

You might retire from a job that you’ve worked at for many years. This retirement can suddenly give you a lot of free time on your hands. Staying busy, the way that you used to be at your job, gave you something to look forward to and now it’s gone.

You may feel useless or listless. And if you took a financial hit when you retired from your job, then that can cause you to feel anxious and worried about the future.

Being alone as you age because loved ones move on with their lives or pass away can make you feel fearful and isolated. Losing your social circle, whether it was on the job or family leaving can impact your emotions. Continue reading