Healthy Muscle Mass

You need good muscles to be strong and healthy. That is a given. However, as you age, it gets harder to build and maintain muscles, which is why you may succumb to muscle mass loss.

Exercise is one of the keys to maintaining your muscle mass, and also one of the best ways to keep building your muscles and strength as you age.

Now, if you are thinking that means you have to take yourself off to the gym and start pumping weights, that is not the only way!

Listed here are some exercises that you can do to build muscle mass, regardless of your age, and most of them do not need special equipment and can be done at home. Continue reading

What does it take to build muscle mass and increase your strength? You have probably heard you need to go to the gym and pump weights and eat more protein or take protein powder shakes. This is correct to some degree, but not an absolute!

Protein-rich foods and weight training do build muscle, but the important thing is that you pay attention to your diet and physical activities. Proper nutrition and the right exercises are very effective in building and strengthening your muscles.

The Importance of Protein in Your Diet

Proteins are the foundation for muscle growth. They are converted into amino acids in the body. The body uses these amino acids to synthesize new muscle tissue. Continue reading