Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Disease

In the United States, the numbers of deaths due to heart disease each year are staggering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the US.”

Their numbers show about 647,000 deaths each year which is about one person every 37 seconds. It’s almost impossible to even wrap your head around that number!

So how do we avoid being a statistic? Are there things we should be doing to prevent heart disease in our own lives? Absolutely! There are plenty of ways you can turn the odds in your favor and help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, artery diseaseā€¦ anything related to your entire cardiovascular system. Continue reading

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. It occurs when you have chronic high levels of glucose in your bloodstream, which leads to insulin resistance. Your insulin can not efficiently move the glucose into your cells to burn them for energy.

Your lifestyle choices are the major determinant in contracting type 2 diabetes. This is where you can make a huge difference in your health and help yourself. Here are some lifestyle changes can you implement to prevent or manage type 2 diabetes:

Lose Excess Weight & Increase Physical Activities

Obesity is one major factor that leads to type 2 diabetes. So, the first step toward preventing or managing type 2 diabetes is to lose weight. You can start by eating less and getting more physically active. Continue reading