
It is a great thing to be alive, isn’t it? There are so many things on Earth that we can enjoy while we live. So how do we ensure that we can extend our time on this planet?

One of the answers to this question – a big one – lies in the food that we eat. When we become mindful of the foods that we take in, we can live healthily and add more years to our life expectancy.

Eating healthy foods is the secret of most of the oldest people in the world. Healthy foods keep us away from life-threatening and chronic illnesses. In fact, there’s a village in China where residents often live to over a hundred years old. If they can reach that far, why can’t we?

Let’s take a look at some of the foods that we should eat for a longer, healthier life: Continue reading

No one can live forever, but at least we can make our life longer and healthier. Every action that we take affects our ability to live longer than we otherwise might. One of the biggest factors in mortality is our diet. The foods that we eat can either lengthen or shorten our life expectancy.

Now, it’s highly likely that you already know many foods that you should eat to be healthy and to live longer, such as green vegetables, fruits, and other vitamin and mineral-rich foods. This time, let’s take a look at the foods that we must avoid so that we can add more years to our lives.

Processed Meats

Who doesn’t love bacon? How about hotdogs and sausages? Unfortunately, these processed meats are among the foods that we should avoid, or certainly limit if we want to be healthy and spend more time on Earth. Processed foods are often loaded with sodium and preservatives, smoked, or treated to extend their shelf life. Continue reading