
Every action that we take can make our life longer or shorter. So, if you want to extend your lifespan, you have to ensure that you are taking the right steps.

There are various factors affecting people’s longevity, from the food that you eat to the thoughts inside your head. Added to these, the environment is also extremely important.

If you look at the people who get to live for a hundred-plus years all over the world, you will notice that many of them have access to clean water, fresh air, unspoiled nature, close-knit community, and less stressful surroundings.

It is obvious that the quality of the environment where you live has an impact on how many years you can stay alive. Continue reading

Where you live has as much impact on your chance to live longer, as does the food that you eat. It influences your lifestyle and is a huge factor for your mental health. Now, you might be wondering, where would you live longer, city or countryside?

The truth is, there is no clear-cut answer to this question. It is easy to peg country living as a better option to extend your lifespan because it is quiet, peaceful, and generally stress-free. Even so, city and country living have their own pros and cons. Let’s delve deeper into them:

How Country Living Affects Your Life Expectancy

The countryside is where you can see the greens everywhere. It is where green fields are expansive and where trees are thick. It’s where the environment is most likely cleaner, so you can expect fresh air and fresh foods; some would likely come from your own backyard. Continue reading