Seniors’ Health Concerns

In life, memories are among the most cherished things we possess. When we bond with people and create new experiences, they give us memories that we can keep throughout our lifetime. This makes life worthwhile and more exciting. We also remember a lot of what we learn and we carry that knowledge with us through the years.

An unfortunate thing about memories is that for some people they are wiped from their minds due to their memory health and cognitive decline. Their memories start to fade and becoming forgetful is more common.

This is a major concern for people entering their senior years! It is probably safe to say that almost everyone hopes they never suffer from dementia or memory loss. Continue reading

Falling is an extremely common experience amongst the elderly. Each year, millions of seniors around the world fall, which is why many worry it may happen to them. This leads to injury-related visits to the doctor, or worse, suddenly dying from a falling accident.

The most common injuries resulting from falling are fractures (broken bones), and head and brain injuries. Most hip fractures are due to falling. It is also one of the major causes of traumatic brain injuries. In the longer term, the likelihood of osteoporosis increases due to a reduction in weight-bearing activities during convalescence.

As the mortality rate due to falling increases with age, certain risk factors and preventive measures can be identified to help mitigate the likelihood of falling in the senior population. Continue reading