Seniors’ Health Concerns

It is not uncommon to hear of a senior person being diagnosed with cancer. Many live in fear of developing the big C. Being on the receiving end of a cancer diagnosis may be one of the most overwhelming and scariest experiences of any person’s life. They may feel like they have just been given their termination to what they had hoped to be a much longer life.

Cancer is quite often a terminal illness and remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Despite its high prevalence, there still hasn’t been an established medical treatment for ‘curing’ cancer. In advanced cases, palliative care is often used to ease pain and discomfort.

Generally, a person’s risk of getting cancer increases as they age, which is why it is a major, worrying concern for seniors. The higher risk of cancer developing in older adults is usually due to the age-related changes in the body occurring at the molecular and cellular levels. Continue reading

The heart is the central organ of our circulatory system. It is mainly responsible for pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body. It distributes the nutrients needed by the body to function, controls the flow rate, and maintains blood pressure. Even small abnormalities in the heart can cause huge, dramatic effects on the health of the body.

As we age, normal heart function naturally declines. Aging causes the heart and the blood vessels to stiffen and these changes create various cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and heart failure. Heart disease is another health condition and health concern for many seniors as it is a major cause of death worldwide. That would concern anybody!

It is imperative to maintain regular physical activity and eat a healthy diet for good heart health. These preventive measures can help keep high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke at bay, if not prevent them completely. Continue reading