Super-Ager Lifestyle

The term super-ager refers to men and women in their 70’s and 80’s who have the mental and physical health of someone decades younger. Studies show age isn’t always an indicator of health or ability when it comes to the older generation. It’s possible for someone to be in their 70’s but biologically be in their 40’s. That’s because some people have the mental and physical stamina of someone much younger despite being considered elderly.

There is a natural decline in physical and cognitive ability as we age; however, there isn’t a standard. We can prevent the diminishing of our bodies and brains no matter our age. Super-agers retain high functioning minds and bodies despite their legal age. Continue reading

Super-agers are men and women who, despite being in their 70’s and 80’s, are healthier mentally and physically than their age indicates. Super-agers tend to have the physical and mental capacity of a middle-aged person. This means they are physically less likely to suffer from physical or cognitive decline as they age.

There are a range of activities and behaviors that create a super-ager lifestyle, one of which is eating healthy whole foods that promote physical and brain health. Studies show that the same foods that help prevent heart disease, cancer, and many other diseases also promote health and wellbeing. That means foods have the potential to prevent disease and cure illness at the same time. Continue reading