Healthy Cooking Basics

Often, the biggest obstacle standing between you and healthy meals each night is time. You went to the trouble of shopping the perimeter of the supermarket, you buy organic where possible, and avoid buying processed foods. Yet, you get home from work, open the fridge, and sigh at the thought of cooking.

It’s frustrating and we’re all struggling to balance work and home lives, so, when it comes to healthy cooking you should rely heavily on your slow cooker.

That’s right, drag it out from the back of the cupboard, dust it off, and keep it sitting on your kitchen counter so you can use it on a daily basis. You can use your slow cooker for just about anything.

Slow Cooker Tips

The biggest key to getting it right is planning ahead. Have everything prepared and ready the night before so all you need to do in the morning is throw it in the slow cooker and turn it on as you leave the house. Continue reading

Are you tearing your hair out wondering why you seem to be gaining weight even though you have been making all the right food choices?

It may be time to consider the issue lies in your cooking habits. Yes, that’s right, the way you cook your foods might just be the thing that is causing your waistline to expand.

Let’s look at the most common cooking mistakes that are fueling your weight gain, instead of helping you lose weight.

1 – Ignoring Your Spice Rack

You want flavor in your food so you turn to sauce after sauce, yet your full spice rack is completely ignored. What are you thinking?

Curry powder, cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, rosemary, and oregano, paprika can all elevate your dishes to the next level without increasing your calorie count. Let’s not forget that many of them come with amazing health benefits of their own. Continue reading