Healthy Cooking How To’s
A healthy and savory meal is the true form of bliss (for some of us at least), but even if it’s not, your body still relishes it.
Although, the thought of cooking after a hard and stressful day at work, or maybe a fight with your noisy neighbors, is a mood dampener and it often makes a lot of people settle for much less.
Sometimes, you just don’t have anything to cook! If this settling for less happens several times a week for you, some change in your planning habits is required.
There are numerous things that can be done to ensure that cooking is not a chore. You can be stressed out but still have a nutritious and pleasurable meal.
Compromise is the last thing that you should do with your health, and there is no need for it. All you need is some planning. Plan your meals ahead of time. Some might prefer a week ahead, some a few days, and some a few meals. Continue reading
There is a great deal of evidence that tells us that some cooking methods are not appropriate for all foods. In fact, some foods retain all of their essential vitamins only when consumed raw. However, cooking does allow your body to digest other vital compounds more efficiently, making cooking a necessary part of a well-rounded, nutritious diet.
More important than the “raw versus cooked” food debate is the method which you use to cook your food. How you cook your food will determine its nutritional value when it is ready to eat.
How Should I Cook for the Most Nutritious Food?
The thick cell walls of plants make the nutrients and vitamins contained inside of them difficult for our bodies to access. When you cook plant-based foods, those cell walls are broken down. Cooking some foods can increase your body’s ability to absorb specific nutrients as well as improve digestion of essential compounds such as antioxidants and proteins. Continue reading