Healthy Cooking How To’s

Chicken is one of the best proteins because it is low in fat and calories compared to red meat (and even dark chicken meat). It is also easier for the body to digest; besides you can cook in it many healthy ways for a scrumptious meal on your table. Using proper cooking methods for chicken ensures a healthy meal that is good for heart health and weight management.

Marinating chicken gives it a lot of flavor and, makes it moist and tender without adding a lot of fat. Chicken that is marinaded for longer is more tender as the juices of the marinade have become fully absorbed into the chicken. Always remember to throw away the left over marinade that has soaked the chicken to avoid salmonella poisoning.

Use skinless chicken breasts, these are the lowest in fat and calories. The skin increases fat by about 20%. You can also cook with the skin, but, remove it before eating. Continue reading

Nowadays, almost everyone is concerned about eating healthier and understandably so. And when it comes to food popularity, there’s not a lot that is more well-known that the burger. It comes in many shape and sizes and all of them taste great. But, with being healthy in mind, what is the best choice?

Is it chicken, turkey or the ever popular beef?

When it comes to these three, it is calorie count and fat content that will make the most significant difference when it comes to good health and weight management.

Fat and Calorie Comparison Based on 8 Ounce Portion

  • Beef – 349 calories
  • Chicken – 275 calories
  • Turkey – 238 calories

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