Cook Healthy with Your Instant Pot

We’re all busy and spending less and less time at home. As a result, it’s hard to find the time to cook a nice home cooked meal. We simply can’t spend hours and hours in the kitchen stirring pots.

Heck, most of us don’t even have the time or energy at the end of the day for a quick 30 minute meal cooked from scratch.

The end result is that we rely on convenience food and takeout. While those options certainly save a good bit of time, we end up paying a lot more for our food.

Let’s not even mention the fact that it isn’t always the healthiest food out there and we’re not sure what ingredients and preservatives are in the food.

What if there was a way to save both time and money, and still get wholesome, home cooked meals on those nights when you don’t have a lot of time or energy left. There is and the solution to your problem is the Instant Pot. Continue reading

You’ve heard about the Instant Pot and are ready to buy one and give this modern take on pressure cooking a try. You head to the store or your favorite online store and discover that there are quite a few different models of Instant Pot available, in different sizes, with different functionality. Let me quickly run you through the most popular models and sizes so you can make an informed decision on what to get.

Let’s start by talking about size. The size of meals you want to cook, or even the size of your family will determine what Instant Pot is the right size for you. Most come in the following sizes:

  • 3 Quart
  • 6 Quart
  • 8 Quart

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