Blood Type Diet

There is no up without down, no Yin without Yang, no day without night. There are also pros and cons to every type of dietary approach. In a perfect world your diet plan would have nothing but upside. You know this is not the way of human existence. There are always going to be good and bad qualities or side effects to any diet, and the blood type diet is no different.

Blood Type Diet Pros

Blood type diet practitioners will be quick to tell you about the wonderful weight loss the program delivers. Regardless of your blood type, as long as you eat right for your type, weight loss can come quickly if you are overweight or obese. This is one of the most significant benefits of the blood type diet.

Another health advantage concerns your immune system. This is your body’s natural defense system against infection and disease. Eat the foods that your body processes effectively and a strengthened immune system is one of the many benefits. Continue reading

The blood type diet caters a very specific diet plan to your personal blood type. This dietary approach has worked for millions for weight loss and optimal health. There are 4 different ABO blood types – A, B, AB and O.

By following a specific diet that is friendly towards your blood type, you can achieve weight loss, a healthy weight maintenance and multiple health benefits. Your level of success on this diet plan also depends on whether you are or not a secretor.

What is a Blood Type Secretor?

Your body is constantly producing mucus, saliva and other body fluids. In someone who is a blood type secretor, your blood antigens are present in those body fluids. Not everyone secretes their blood type, but most people do. As much as 70% to 80% of the human population can be labeled as secretors. The remaining 20% to 30% are known as non-secretors. Continue reading