Diet Reviews

Jenny Craig is a very famous brand when it comes to weight loss. They have weight loss centers all over the world, including in the United States, Australia, the UK, and many other countries. One of the staples of the Jenny Craig Weight loss system is the Jenny Craig diet plan. A lot of people swear by this diet due to how easy it is to follow. But, is this diet worth your time and effort?

Key Features

  • Promises very steady weight loss of 2 pounds per week.
  • Heavy emphasis on prepared meals to help with cutting calories and portion control.
  • Diet plan eventually allows you to start cooking own meals.
  • Focuses on three key areas: food, mind and body.

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The Mayo Clinic is a non-profit medical organization based in the USA. You may have heard of them before, as they publish numerous articles on medical topics that frequently appear on the top of Google. Well, they have their own dietary program. Now, you may be skeptical of the diet plan, as it is not as famous and well talked about as fad diets such as Atkins, but it does in fact have a long history behind it, dating all the way back to 1949. So, is this diet worth giving a try?

Key Features

  • Focuses on slow, sustainable weight loss over a long period as opposed to rapid weight loss.
  • Multi-stage diet plan. First stage focuses on getting rid of bad habits. Second stage focuses on portion control.
  • Heavy emphasis on combining proper diet and exercise in order to lose weight.

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