Gluten Free


Not every person who suffers from celiac disease has gastrointestinal symptoms to deal with, but the majority of people do. One particular study found gastrointestinal issues in approximately ¾ of newly diagnosed cases.

Chronic diarrhea is one of the most commonly associated symptoms and statistically, it affects at least half of newly diagnosed individuals.

Typically, this kind of diarrhea floats instead of sinks, has a very smelly and watery disposition and is quite voluminous.

When diarrhea is not occurring, bowel movements are often foul smelling, large in size and pale in color.

Constipation, Gas and Abdominal Bloating

There are a number of people who suffer from constipation with celiac instead of diarrhea. Some individuals alternate between the 2 extremes. Excessive gas or flatulence is also commonplace. Continue reading

Primary Symptoms

When most people consider the signs and symptoms of celiac disease they refer to the primary symptoms; these are usually centered around the digestive system. This is where the problem originates and there are often painful symptoms experienced in this area.

However, there are many other symptoms that can be experienced by celiac sufferers. As so much of our health depends on our diet, the inability of our digestive process to efficiently extract the nutrients we need will ultimately impact the other systems of our bodies.

Many of these symptoms seem so far removed from the problem that gluten intolerance may not even be considered as a potential culprit. Too many people have had their condition overlooked or misdiagnosed for many years, as many of the symptoms, especially in isolation, can be indicative of a range of conditions other than celiac disease. Continue reading