Low Carb

Low carb has been studied and it is well documented that their effectiveness is multi-faceted. Of course, the thousands of people who have lost a lot of weight and were able to keep it off makes a low carb eating plan something of an attractive proposition, especially since it is not your typical fad diet, but an actually lifestyle change.

Harvard completed a study that explored just how impressive the results of a low carb diet can be for weight loss, in comparison to a low fat diet that people tend to rely on for all of their weight loss needs.

By now, most people are aware how excellent low carb diets can be for rapid weight loss, but do they offer any other health benefits?

Yes, they do, and that is what makes a low carbohydrate diet such an attractive option when deciding what path to follow. Continue reading

Low carb diets and many other similar diets can be stressful after a certain amount of time. That’s just normal for almost everyone. A popular way around the stress of changing and limiting their typical comfort foods to low carb or limited options is to incorporate a cheat day.

Cheat days are uncertain in how you decide to use them, because they can either help you progress along your regimen, or be detrimental to your success. First, take a second to realize your level of comfort with not giving into temptation when it comes to cheating on meals.

Are you the type who would give in easily and grab that extra dessert, or be the one who could go months without ever eyeing any junk food? If you don’t do well for long periods of time without thinking of cheating a meal, go ahead and give yourself a regular cheat day in the week, month, or however long or short you need it. Continue reading