Paleo Diet Basics

The Paleo diet food list can be your best friend. In order to be successful on the diet you need to stick to the foods that are suggested in order to optimally lose weight.

The Paleo diet suggests foods that are high in protein and “natural” foods. As suggested by the name, “Paleo” it literally means eat like a caveman who survived in the Paleolithic era.

There are minor changes that you need to make in your diet which will assist you in “going Paleo.” As with any diet, you need to eat foods in moderation.

This diet is no different except that you will find eating much healthier and shedding pounds much faster because of the food you are allowed to eat versus starving yourself.

Eating Paleo does not mean going hungry. You will be satisfied with the foods that you are allowed to consume. The key is the type of food and changing it up a bit. The Paleo diet is based on eating a lot of protein. Continue reading

When I say the word caffeine, coffee probably immediately pops into your mind. There are a lot of people (maybe yourself included) that could not fathom an existence without coffee.

Tea, cocoa, many soft drinks and energy drinks are also rich in caffeine. Your favorite candy bar, energy bar and some of the over-the-counter medications you take may also contain caffeine.

The common, everywhere status of caffeine begs the following question for those new to the paleo diet. If you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle by going paleo, is caffeine a problem? Is the wonderful kick provided by caffeine paleo-positive or negative?

Well, actually, the answer is yes … and no.

Herbal tea is permitted on the paleo diet, especially the miraculously healthy green tea. On the other hand, most paleo practitioners and teachers denounce other caffeinated drinks like coffee. Continue reading