Paleo Diet Info

Everywhere you look you see the Paleo diet and the Keto diet in the news. While they have some similarities, there are also some differences. After looking at all the facts, Paleo was a better choice for weight loss. Let’s look at some of the factors that made Paleo shine over Keto.

Long-Term Results and Effects

The Keto diet is newer on the horizon than Paleo. While many people are having success at weight loss on this program, there isn’t much data that shows the long-term effect of taking in that much fat.

Long-term, in this case meaning 20 years or more out, will there be heart disease? Will weight start to creep back up? There are many diet fads that started out with the idea they would improve health that turned out to be very unsafe in the long-term. Continue reading

Diabetes affects over 30 million Americans and almost 10% of the population. That makes it one of the most common chronic diseases and it is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States.

While Type 1 diabetes is related to genetics, Type 2 diabetes which makes up the bulk of cases can often be prevented and even reversed. The Paleo diet is one of the most effective ways to regulate this condition.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition in which insulin cannot regulate blood sugar. In Type 1 diabetes, a person affected simply doesn’t make insulin. This type cannot be prevented but is treated with medications and diet. Continue reading