Plant-Based Diets
You know that eating a more plant-base diet is good for your heart, gives you more energy, and provides a nutrient dense diet that is balanced and satiating.
In addition to reducing animal consumption, you are also going to try and reduce processed foods as much as possible, while switching to more whole and clean foods.
If you are used to frozen dinners, bags of chips, and boxed ingredients, this might be a bit of a transition. Here are some ways to ease into eating less processed foods when you start your plant-based diet:
Start Reducing Processed Food Slowly
Unless you want to overwhelm yourself and give up during the second week, don’t get rid of all your processed food in one day. Slowly start getting rid of 1-2 processed foods at a time, and replacing them with cleaner alternatives. Continue reading
Any time you change the way you eat, the topic of how much it costs is bound to come up. When you are accustomed to your current food budget and what you can afford on a weekly basis, it can be a little bit of a shock when you realize other food might end up costing more.
But consider this – if you are replacing all the packaged, frozen, and processed foods in your diet right now, there is more than enough to make the switch to a plant-based diet. You might even end up spending less!
Here are some different ways you can cut costs when you switch to a plant-based diet:
Shop at Farmer’s Markets and CSAs
While you can still shop at your favorite grocery store, some foods, particularly produce, is a lot more affordable at farmer’s markets and with CSAs. Continue reading