TLC Diet

Hearing the word diet usually inspires thoughts of cutting food, counting calories, and depriving yourself. Diets tend to come in waves, and they tend to be unsustainable – many of them even go as far as being unhealthy if done over a long period of time, and can lead to lack of nutrients.

The TLC diet isn’t just a diet, it’s a way of changing your life style and eating healthier. TLC stands for Therapeutic Lifestyle Change. It isn’t just about restricting yourself to a set number of calories per day, or juicing everything before ingesting it. It’s about making changes that are better for your body.

Sometimes, the things we fuel our body on can cause fatigue, headaches and other unseen dangers and illnesses. The TLC diet is designed to make us feel better and healthier, while still providing us with everything we need to keep moving and to help learn how to be healthier while still enjoying what we eat. Continue reading

Starting a new diet can be scary – you instantly crave all the things you very recently had access to. You feel like you’re depriving yourself.

Everything turns into ‘I can’t have that’, rather than politely declining it because you don’t want it. Everyone has been there.

Everyone has woken up on the dreaded Monday, where they swore no more cupcakes and more lettuce, and instantly regretted their decisions.

Dieting doesn’t have to be miserable.

A typical day on the TLC diet will be different, potentially, to what your days used to be like but they don’t have to be bad. Continue reading