TLC Diet
Do you have high cholesterol? Has your doctor told you they’re worried about the risk of heart disease in your future or that something needs to change?
If yes, the TLC diet is designed for you. If no, the TLC diet will help keep it that way.
People who don’t have high cholesterol or heart conditions will still benefit from following the lifestyle change. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) means making the right kind of changes for your body and ensuring you’re giving it the best chance at survival and staying fit.
By following the diet, you aren’t taking any risks or putting yourself in danger. You’re helping your body by giving it the nutrients it needs without the risk of putting too much in there. Continue reading
Being told by a doctor that you have high cholesterol can be scary. It’s attributed with heart conditions and diseases, and strokes.
It’s also vital – you need a certain amount of cholesterol to survive.
There are two different types – good and bad. Most people find their levels of bad cholesterol is the one that is higher than it should be.
The TLC Diet (Therapeutic Lifestyle Change diet) was designed to help people lower their cholesterol levels in a healthy, safe way, without having to rely on medications. It also teaches people how to lead a healthy lifestyle that will aid their body and keep them fit and reduce their risk of heart disease. Continue reading