
People chose to live a vegetarian lifestyle for a variety of reasons. There are strict religious, financial, health and cruelty to animal issues that motivate us to move to a vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian cooking is less difficult and complicated than cooking the Standard Western diet, full of fats, sugars and processed foods.

There are some basic techniques to cooking a vegetarian meal. First you have to determine which vegetarian lifestyle you’ll be following.

Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarians don’t eat red meat, fowl, or fish but do eat dairy products and eggs. Lacto-Vegetarians eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese and ice cream; and Vegan vegetarians are the strictest and eat only fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Continue reading

Vegetarian cooking is for everyone in the family, from baby to the centurian and is not as difficult as you might imagine. Everyone in the family can benefit from a diet high in vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds with little to no animal protein and fats.

Some people chose a vegetarian lifestyle because of political reasons, others because of religious reasons and still others are animal activists. Social, economic and health reasons round out the motivations that are common for choosing a vegetarian lifestyle.

Most vegetarians eat no animal flesh at all; no red meat, no fish, no fowl and no game. Some vegetarians will eat eggs and dairy products while others will eat neither. How you make your meals will depend upon a variety of vegetables that range in color and texture. You want to include high quality oils, sea salts and organic foods. Continue reading