Scientific research shows that a vegetarian lifestyle improves your health and increases your life. Vegetarian soups and meals are becoming more popular in both the home and restaurant settings. Restaurant owners and franchises are responding to the increased demand by their customers for a healthier alternative.
Becoming a vegetarian decreases your risk for heart disease, stroke and cancers. And preparing soups and meals are not difficult. Incorporating vegetarian soups and meals into your lifestyle not only improves your health but also doesn’t require a long-term adjustment.
Vegetarian soups are a great option when you are entertaining or when you are preparing a meal for your family. Warm soups are great for appetizers and sophisticated chilled vegetarian soups are a wonderful addition in the summer months. Soups can be a great one-bowl meal with plenty of crusty bread. You can even use a dense crusty bread as the bowl itself. Continue reading
Vegetarian athletes have special needs to be able to perform at a higher level of energy than those who don’t exert themselves athletically each and every day. Sports nutrition and calorie intake are very important to consistently help your body to perform at it’s best.
Most nutritional challenges of sports nutrition can be met by planning ahead and having a variety of foods available at home. Variety in your vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds will assure the correct vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids in the diet.
Vegetarian sports nutrition must meet the energy needs of the athlete. Energy sources can simply be your favorite fruits, root vegetables, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.
Proteins, needed for repair of tissues, building and repairing muscles, red blood cell production and just running your body, can be received from fruits, green leaves, nuts and root vegetables. Some excellent sources of protein include avocados, dates, bananas, and almonds. Continue reading