Whole Foods

If you’re looking for a way to stay healthy, decrease the risk of suffering from some serious diseases, and slow down the process of ageing, then you should eat more whole foods.

Whole foods are the foods closest to their natural state, which means that they contain much more nutrients than processed foods.

Of course, it’s incredibly hard to make your diet consist of whole foods only, but you should strive to make them the majority of the food you consume.

Whole foods can be unprocessed vegetable, fruits, beans, seeds, nuts, legumes, whole grains, seafood, fish, eggs, red meat, and poultry.

Now, most people know that whole foods are healthier, but don’t want to spend too much money on them, since they are slightly more expensive. Continue reading

A renewed interest in health has led to diet trends like the Virgin Diet, the Paleo Diet, and an overall emphasis on raw foods. So, is this just another diet craze that will fade into oblivion by the end of the decade?

The Internet has allowed us to find scores of information on our health and diet. People are starting to stand up and take notice that when they eat unprocessed foods that only have natural carbohydrates and sugars they feel better and their bodies respond much better.

On the other hand processed food will weigh you down and drain you of your energy, even though, you are often consuming far more calories than you would with a similar meal made from scratch at home. This is because they are not energy foods, and their calories are empty calories, which serve no purpose, except to turn into fat in our bodies. Continue reading