Whole in 30

What You Can't EatJust like there are things that you can eat, there are also things that you cannot eat. And even though this might seem upsetting right now, if you can hang on for 30 days then you can give your body a chance to truly let you know how it responds to certain foods. You might be surprised to find that the same foods you love now are actually foods that don’t agree with your digestive system.

So what’s out? Believe it or not many of the things that you may consider to be healthy right now might actually not be allowed.

For instance, while it might be common sense to say that there is no dairy and no alcohol during your first 30 days, it might be surprising to know that all nectars, and even Stevia, are no go during your 30 day reset. In fact, if there is any food that you’re allowed to have that comes in a desert type form, that’s out as well. Continue reading

Finding Your Whole in 30 SupportWhen you are starting a new way of eating, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to find the right support. When you are starting something new you are bound to have questions, hit bumps, and have times when you ask yourself if you can do this.

This is all natural as you make this type of transition, but this is why support is so crucial. The right support will be more than enough to get you through this first 30 days as well as help you on your new lifelong eating path.

But where do you find the right support for you? There are two places where food support is critical for your success. The first place is in your physical life and the second place is in your online life. It’s not uncommon for people to find that they have the best success in their new eating path when they have support from both of these places. Continue reading