Whole in 30
Anytime you try something new there are going to be bumps in the road. This doesn’t mean that you are doing anything wrong, this is just natural whenever you change a habit that you have likely had your entire life. If you’re not prepared to handle these challenges, you might not be able to successfully change your eating habits.
Every year, hundreds, if not thousands, of people try to change the way that they eat. But only a small portion of them are able to find success. And the reason is because many people aren’t prepared for the challenges that they face when changing their eating habits.
Granted, right now you might not know what types of struggles will be facing and because of that it might seem like there’s no way to prepare yourself for possible bumps in the road. But the good news is there are still a few tricks that can still set you up for success, and they all come from learning how to be a planner. Continue reading
Just like is important to plan for your food, it’s also important to plan for your drinks. Make no mistake, even healthy drinks can be filled with sugar and other ingredients that will hinder you in your new way of eating. If you are not used to drinking water, then it might be a bit overwhelming for you to drink nothing but water.
Thankfully, there are a few easy ways that you can set yourself up for success when it comes to drinking.
For starters, set up your daily water goal and make a plan for achieving that goal. In other words, if your goal is to drink 8 bottles of water then think about how you will accomplish that.
What time will you start drinking? How long will you wait between each bottle? How often will you need to drink to meet your goal? Continue reading