Whole in 30

What Can Happen in 30 DaysFor many people 30 days doesn’t seem like much time. In fact, with the fast pace of life 30 days might seem like nothing. But here’s the great thing, 30 days for our bodies can seem like an eternity. In fact, 30 short days is enough time for your body to adjust to a new way of eating and to begin heavily cleaning out any waste it doesn’t need.

30 days is also enough time for your taste buds to reset and for your body to be set on a new path. In fact, many people find that if they try to eat something unhealthy after that 30 days then the foods they used to love now taste badly to them.

Your first week will likely be your biggest adjustment. This is the time when your body is trying to adjust to the changes that you are making. You may begin to experience symptoms of detox during this week, and it may cause you to wonder what on earth you’re doing to yourself. Continue reading

Tracking Your ChangesIf you are trying to make changes in your life, it’s easy to get frustrated and throw in the towel when you feel like your changes aren’t happening quickly enough.

After all, you are going through all of this so that you can change and you need validation that those changes are actually happening and everything you’re going through is actually working.

Sometimes, especially in the beginning, changes can be small. In fact, sometimes these changes are so small that it’s hard to notice them at all. This is why it is so important that you get into the habit of tracking your changes.

Before you begin changing your eating habits, find a notebook or something where you can log in each of your changes. This should be something that you can easily keep with you throughout the day and something that is dedicated completely to your Whole in 30 journey. Continue reading